An open discussion was held on the topic "If a woman is educated, the future generation will be educated."


On September 15, 2023, the women's advisory council of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute, with the participation of L. Mamadaliyeva, Rector's advisor on women's issues, and the dean's advisers, among female students studying at the academic lyceum under the university, "Ayol ilmli" If there is, the future generation will be educated" an open conversation was held.
During the conversation, the essence of the existing Decrees and Decisions on the privileges created for the education of women was explained to the students. Along with this, information was also given about the scientific research works conducted by female scientists at the institute.
At the end of the event, a question-and-answer session was held within the framework of the admonition that "If you educate one girl child, you will educate the whole family", the opinions of the students were heard.



