A presentation was held on the topic of "Establishment and establishment of advanced engineering schools in cooperation"
The 1st online workshop on the implementation of the LESLIE project in Central Asia was held in the meeting hall of the institute within the framework of the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union
The management of the Scientific-Research Institute of Technical Regulation and Standardization visited our institute
The 2nd stage of the "WeStart: 3D Edition" - women's start-up project incubation program held by the UEnter Innovation Center in Tashkent has come to an end.
On September 19-21, the VI International Traditional Textile Festival "Atlas Bayram" will be held in the city of Margilan
Students of metrology, standardization and product quality management visited the Fergana branch of the "Uzbekistan scientific - testing and certification" center
Students visited "Bahodir Log'on" LLC and "Vadiy Shoes" LLC
On 02.06.2023, a meeting on career guidance was held with students of the Faculty of Light Industry and Textiles and specialists of production enterprises
An open seminar-training exercise was held on the topic "Open way to the civil service of a democratic state".
The exchange student program to the Polytechnic University of Turin in Italy has started. 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students can participate.
Cooperation with Italy in the training of qualified specialists in the field of architecture and urban planning in the Fergana region, as well as in the formation of practical skills in them
The representatives of the "Formation of employment skills of young people in Uzbekistan" program held a seminar-training session on ensuring employment of young people.
Graduates of Fergana Polytechnic Institute had the opportunity to work in Japan in their specialties
Students of Fergana Polytechnic Institute continue their studies at Kyungpook National University of South Korea after receiving a GKS grant.
The representatives of "Margilon Singapur textile", "Fergana global textile", "Institute of scientific fibers of Uzbekistan", "Fergana oceana" visited the faculty of light industry and textiles.
"Technology commercialization and implementation of start-up projects" trainings have started
Students of the Faculty of Chemical Technology participated in conducting laboratory analyzes at one of the largest joint enterprises of our region "SWISSAGRO LLC".
Oktam Salomov, the rector of Fergana Polytechnic Institute, studied the activities of centers and spin-off enterprises within the university, designed for scientific and innovative production and service to various fields.
"Call-center" was established at the Fergana Polytechnic Institute in connection with the start of the admission process to higher education institutions for the 2024/2025 academic year.
Technology of storage and preliminary processing of agricultural products" department held a science olympiad from "specialized sciences" and "meeting with young students and managers of production enterprises".
Ildar Ahmedzhanov, a representative of MTO Gas Chemical Complex located in Karakol district of Bukhara region, visited our university
A Career Fair was organized at our university in cooperation with the Fergana Region Prosecutor's Office and Fergana Polytechnic Institute
More than five hundred students got a job through the job fair
The team led by the rector of the institute, Uktam Salomov, met with young people in need of social protection living in Koshtepa district
A special offer for our students who want to study at a military institute
Representatives of the branch of the joint enterprise "CONCH" of the People's Republic of China in Buloqbashi district of Andijan region visited
An educational seminar was held at the Faculty of Light Industry and Textiles in order to arouse the interest of the 1st-year students in their chosen profession
Fergana Polytechnic Institute was visited by Sachdev Ramakshina, representative of the London "Ed4All" organization in Central Asia
Representatives of "UZAUTO MOTORS" joint-stock company visited the Fergana Polytechnic Institute in order to establish mutually beneficial cooperation.
A student youth meeting was held with Muzaffar Razakov, the founder of "Global Textile" group of companies.
A practical excursion was organized for students
A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Fergana Polytechnic Institute and the Territorial Union of Consumer Rights Protection Societies of the Fergana Region
In order to strengthen the knowledge gained during the educational process, Oliygoh students are doing an internship at "Uzwoolentex" LLC.
Representatives of the ADM ELECTRICS enterprise belonging to the ADM GLOBAL organization met with the students of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute
A practical excursion was organized for the students of the Faculty of Energy of the Institute
Rector of Fergana Polytechnic Institute O.R.Salomov, vice-rectors J.Kambarov, Z.Hamrokulov, faculty deans and a number of other faculty members visited the "UzAuto Motors" enterprise in Andijan region.
Representatives of the Chinese company "Anttui Mulberry bio-tech Co.Ltd" visited the Fergana Polytechnic Institute
The Department of Marketing and Student Practice has provided information on job vacancies for graduate students
An interview was held in order to fill the available vacancies in the departments of the institute with young specialists