The exhibition "Sport clubs expo FerPI - 2024" organized as part of the "Student League" sports competitions was held
On June 1, a musical teahouse show program "My Happy Childhood" dedicated to "International Children's Day" was held
On August 24-25, the team of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute is actively participating in the national charity event held in our country under the slogan "Prosperous neighborhood - prosperous country"
"PICamp" intellectual wellness summer camp started its work today
A master class was held with the participation of the heads of the Fergana regional and city sports department I. Holboyev, M. Sobirov and the executive director of the regional branch of the Uzbekistan sports wrestling association M. Ashurov.
"Mini football cup" competition organized by tutors was held among students of Fergana Polytechnic Institute
According to the plan developed by the Department of Spirituality, under the leadership of deputy deans and tutors of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, a free medical examination is being held for students of this faculty
On March 14-15-16, a football and volleyball sports competition was organized among students in connection with Navroz holiday
“Sport – mustahkam oilamiz poydevori” shiori ostida, oilaviy sport-sog’lomlashtirish musobaqalari o’tkazildi
Sports tests have been started at the institute
Sports competitions "Memorial Tournament" organized by the initiative of the trade union of the institute have been started
The film about the "Drinking water extraction device from the air" was also broadcast in foreign media
On the initiative of the Department of Engineering Communications and Installation, senior students of this department visited the Fergana sewage treatment plant located in Koshtepa district.
Health campaign
"I am a donor" campaign was held in cooperation with Fergana Polytechnic Institute and Fergana Blood Transfusion Station
The "Student Spring-2024" festival has started
The final stage of "Student League" sports competitions is taking place
A public charity event was held under the slogan "Look for a prosperous neighborhood and country".
Interactive competitions were organized under the slogan "I am against drug addiction"
A roundtable discussion on the fight against drug addiction was held
Sports and fitness competitions between professors and employees of the institute have been started
Lectures were held for university students on the topic "Prospects of social support of the population in Uzbekistan through the introduction of the state medical insurance system"
A meeting was held on the topic of "Fire Safety Month and an accident-free winter season"
A commemorative tournament of sports Greco-Roman wrestling was held at the institute
The exhibition "Sport clubs expo FerPI - 2023" organized as part of the "Student League" sports competitions was held