A festive event was organized as part of the "Khan Atlas" festival week at the Faculty of Light Industry and Textiles of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute
The 2nd stage of the "WeStart: 3D Edition" - women's start-up project incubation program held by the UEnter Innovation Center in Tashkent has come to an end.
The Women's Council of the Faculty of Civil Engineering held an event on the theme "Respect for Mothers"
"International Forum of Women and Girls in the Field of Science" was held
InnoMix FarPI innovation projects week is starting!
“Sport – mustahkam oilamiz poydevori” shiori ostida, oilaviy sport-sog’lomlashtirish musobaqalari o’tkazildi
A conference dedicated to the theme "A woman is the happiness of an enlightened society" was organized
"Spring Queen" competition was held with the participation of female students of the Faculty of Construction
Ziodakhan Abdusattorova and Mukhayokhan Yoldasheva from Fergana were awarded the State Prize named after Zulfiya
A seminar-training on the topic "Creating the image of a female leader" was held
Under the slogan "Book reading starts from the family" an event called "From a book-reading mother to a book-reading child" was held
The competition "First step to women's business" has been launched
Dean's adviser on women's issues N.Usmonova and tutors held an open dialogue with female students living in the 4th dormitory
A roundtable discussion for female students was held at the institute
An initial meeting of participants was held within the framework of the project "Development of the targeted educational program for Bachelors in Solar Energy in Uzbekistan".
An open discussion was held on the topic "If a woman is educated, the future generation will be educated."
"Scientific woman is a mirror of society" roundtable discussion
A meeting was held in the Committee on Women and Girls and Gender Equality of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
A roundtable discussion was held on the topic "Female scientists are in the focus"
A woman of knowledge is a mirror of society
A meeting was organized with the head of Fergana city "Ibratli Bekam" non-state educational institution, head of Fergana "Roza-Al" private enterprise Shahnoza Ganiyeva with the participation of students of the institute
The annual work plan of the Women's Advisory Council was discussed