Campaign for efficient energy use and solar technology by our institute in Fergana
A presentation was held on the topic of "Establishment and establishment of advanced engineering schools in cooperation"
The 1st online workshop on the implementation of the LESLIE project in Central Asia was held in the meeting hall of the institute within the framework of the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union
A festive event was organized as part of the "Khan Atlas" festival week at the Faculty of Light Industry and Textiles of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute
A conference was held on the topic "Actual problems and solutions in the development of geodesy, cartography, state cadastres"
Fergana Polytechnic Institute was visited by a representative of the American Council of the United States of America, an international non-governmental organization
"If we are united - we are one nation, if we unite - our Motherland!" "Dedication to students" event was held under the slogan
The management of the Scientific-Research Institute of Technical Regulation and Standardization visited our institute
The 2nd stage of the "WeStart: 3D Edition" - women's start-up project incubation program held by the UEnter Innovation Center in Tashkent has come to an end.
The trainees of the advanced training course got acquainted with the practical work carried out in the facilities of Fergana district
Students of metrology, standardization and product quality management visited the Fergana branch of the "Uzbekistan scientific - testing and certification" center
Fergana Polytechnic Institute was visited by Lesovik Ruslan Valeryevich, Vice Rector for International Relations, Doctor of Technical Sciences of Belgorod State Technical University named after V.G.Shukhov of the Russian Federation
Students visited "Bahodir Log'on" LLC and "Vadiy Shoes" LLC
At the Fergana Polytechnic Institute, a training course aimed at organizing the educational process in the form of dual education is being held in higher educational institutions that train personnel in the field of energy
On 02.06.2023, a meeting on career guidance was held with students of the Faculty of Light Industry and Textiles and specialists of production enterprises
Interview processes for hiring tutors are taking place at Fergana Polytechnic Institute
The exchange student program to the Polytechnic University of Turin in Italy has started. 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students can participate.
Fergana Polytechnic Institute was visited by representatives of the Bureau of Mining and Geological Exploration under Shandong Province of the People's Republic of China
Michele Bonino, a teacher and researcher of the Polytechnic University of Turin in Italy, and Fulvio Rinaudo, a professor of the Polytechnic University of Turin, visited Fergana Polytechnic Institute.
Cooperation with Italy in the training of qualified specialists in the field of architecture and urban planning in the Fergana region, as well as in the formation of practical skills in them
Dr. Uwe Brandt, SES expert from Germany, visited
Professor Francesco Gregoretti of the Polytechnic University of Turin conducts classes based on the module at the Fergana Polytechnic Institute.
Professor A. Shermuhammedov, who visited from the branch of the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov in Tashkent, conducted a seminar on "Artificial Intelligence"
Interview processes for the recruitment of professors and teachers for available vacancies are taking place at the Fergana Polytechnic Institute
The representatives of the Faculty of Energy of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute visited the "Pumping stations and energy under the Syr Darya-Sokh irrigation systems basin administration".
Representatives of the delegation consisting of representatives of Japanese companies "Willtec Co.,Ltd", "Wat consulting Co.,Ltd", "Nippondo Co.,Ltd" paid an official visit to Fergana Polytechnic Institute.
Fergana Polytechnic Institute was visited by a delegation led by the Rector of the National Technical University of Belarus Kharitonchik Sergey Vasilyevich
The head of the Austrian organization ARES (Austria Recycling) visited
The next seminar-training of the ERASMUS+ SPACECOM project is taking place at the Sorbonne University in Paris, France.
Students of Fergana Polytechnic Institute continue their studies at Kyungpook National University of South Korea after receiving a GKS grant.
The institute stage of the republican competition "The best reading student" was held
A team of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute is participating in the "WORLD EDU 2023" exhibition, which is being held in the "Sof expo" center in Samarkand
Representatives of China's "Nanjing Fiberglass Research & Design Institute Co. LTD" visited Ferghana Polytechnic Institute
A Zoom meeting was held between the representatives of the Italian Polytechnic University of Turin and the Fergana Polytechnic Institute
In Fergana Polytechnic Institute, the information center on student residences and rental apartments has started its activity to solve the issues related to the placement of students in reliable residences.
The "Young designers-23" competition was held at the Osh University of Technology of the Kyrgyz Republic
On the occasion of "June 30 - Youth Day", an open dialogue was held with the participation of Nodirbek Mashrapov, the head of the Fergana Region Department of the Cadastre Agency, and the youth
Vice-rector for the development of international relations of the Ufa State Petroleum Technical and a member of the Trade Representative Office of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Uzbekistan, visited
"Student Spring" youth festival has started! The opening ceremony of the "Students' Spring" youth festival was held at our university.
"PICamp" intellectual wellness summer camp started its work today
Rector of Fergana Polytechnic Institute Oktam Salomov met with Professor Shahzadah Nayyar Jehan of Hokkaido University
Students of the Faculty of Chemical Technology participated in conducting laboratory analyzes at one of the largest joint enterprises of our region "SWISSAGRO LLC".
Development of the educational-scientific-production process through cooperation based on the "network - enterprise - university" chain
In the conference hall of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute, the students of the Faculty of Energy, who won the Mirzo Ulugbek Successors-2023 competition, were duly awarded by the Scientific Department of our university.
"Call-center" was established at the Fergana Polytechnic Institute in connection with the start of the admission process to higher education institutions for the 2024/2025 academic year.
A meeting was held with the participation of the team of the Faculty of Chemical Technologies, the management of the Industrial Energy Group (SANEG), the director of FNQIZ, and personnel.
Establishment of a "center for teaching Japanese language and Japanese technologies"
Junaid Ali Shakh, PhD in Microbiology and Molecular Biology from Pakistan, visited our university
According to the "Memorandum of Cooperation" concluded between M. Auezov University of South Kazakhstan,
An event was organized on the theme "1001 reasons to live
The winners of the regional stage of the "Student Theater Studios" competition are being determined
A creative meeting was held with writer and poetess U. Solieva, a member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, under the slogan "Book-spiritual Gulshan"
InnoMix FarPI innovation projects week is starting!
A dual education system is in place
Regional stage of the Republican competition "Enlightenment Field"
"Mini football cup" competition organized by tutors was held among students of Fergana Polytechnic Institute
A meeting with representatives of "Business Development Bank" was held at the institute today
Technology of storage and preliminary processing of agricultural products" department held a science olympiad from "specialized sciences" and "meeting with young students and managers of production enterprises".
In the faculty of "Light industry and textiles" a meeting was held with the leaders of the "Mockup competition" and production enterprises.
As part of the "Sharing Enlightenment" project, a report concert program was held.
Contests and contests were held with the participation of students
Republican scientific and technical conference was held on the topic "Role and tasks of technical regulation, metrology and standardization in production"
A meeting was held on the Zoom platform with representatives of the Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University named after Peter the Great of the Russian Federation (SPbPU)
A pre-internship meeting was held with managers, specialists and professors of manufacturing enterprises at the Faculty of "Light Industry and Textiles
Students of group 63-19 and 74-20-M visited the enterprise "EXPO ART TEXTILE" in Altiariq district in order to strengthen their theoretical knowledge in practice
The representatives of Tashkent State Technical University given a tour with the conditions created for the quality education of students in our institute
"Scientific and innovative projects" week has started
A conference dedicated to "Learning a foreign language in the development of modern tools" was organized
Representatives of production enterprises met with students of the institute
The presentation of the scientific laboratory "Alternative energy sources" was held
An analytical and critical meeting was held in our institute to improve the quality of education
An international scientific and practical conference on "Mechanization of agriculture: science and innovation" was held at the Fergana Polytechnic Institute
A meeting was held with the representatives of the Fashion and Design School of the Politecnico di Milano 1863 University in Milan, Italy
A production internship was organized for students at "Fergana Thermal Electric Center" JSC
The "Department Day" event was held on the theme "Protection of the Motherland is a sacred duty"
An educational seminar was held at the Faculty of Light Industry and Textiles in order to arouse the interest of the 1st-year students in their chosen profession
Fergana Polytechnic Institute was visited by Sachdev Ramakshina, representative of the London "Ed4All" organization in Central Asia
An open dialogue was organized on the topic "Works performed and strategic plans for increasing the scientific potential of the institute"
On the initiative of the "Construction and installation of engineering communications" teachers, students of the 3rd stage of this faculty visited the Fergana wastewater treatment plant located in Koshtepa district.
"CyberTech" competition among students was held as part of the "Information Security" week
"Science-education production" integration in action!
Our institute has established beneficial cooperation with the National University of Tajikistan
North China University of Technology will invest up to one million yuan per year in Fergana Polytechnic Institute
G.R.Mirzakulov and the internship leaders familiarized students with the internship processes at "Fergana Oil Refinery" LLC
Our students became students of prestigious universities of the world
"Youth Technopark" is being built on the territory of Fergana Polytechnic Institute.
The national rating of higher education institutions and scientific organizations based on the results of their activities in 2022 was announced as part of the "InnoWeek-2023" innovation week
A meeting with the heads of production enterprises and organizations was held at the institute
An interview was held with the CEO of Fergana "Avtooyna" LLC.
4th year students of the of the Faculty of Light Industry and Textiles together with the senior teacher of the faculty N.J. Yakubov organized a practical excursion to the spinning, knitting, weaving and dyeing enterprises of this enterprise
A seminar was held on the topic "Improving the quality of English language classes using information technologies."
Representatives of the Fergana Regional Council of the People's Democratic Party of the Republic of Uzbekistan met with the students of the institute
A new technology that encourages sports in Ferghana
"" international week of innovative ideas has been launched
An international scientific and technical conference is being held on the topic "The role of modern information technologies in the development of science and technology"
Official opening ceremony of the "Center for Japanese Language and Japanese Technologies"
Representatives of "Korea Association of Machinery Industry", "Korea Institute of Industrial Technology" and "Gyeongbuk Technopark" companies in the Republic of Korea visited
Within the framework of the 5+1 educational program, they studied the activities of the "Kuvasoy Quartz" enterprise.
Fergana Polytechnic Institute was visited by the Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mamadaminov Umid Mahmudovich
U. Salomov made a presentation on the experience of our institute and the work done in the section entitled "Improving the quality of education management".
Expert Martin Stähle, representative of German "Gesamtmasche" and Fergana project coordinator Kamal Soliyev visited
Professors and talented students of Osh University of Technology named after M.M. Adishev of the Kyrgyz Republic visited
Today, the "League of Young Readers" competition was held at the institute
A number of representatives and talented students of Tajikistan State University of Economics and Trade visited
The "Compliance Control" system management department has been established and is operating
At the invitation of the Japanese companies "Willtec Co., Ltd. and WAT Consulting", the delegation of the institute headed by the rector of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uktam Salomov, visited Japan
A roundtable discussion was held with the participation of 4th-year students of "Uz-Koram Co" C/K and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Technology, and Power Engineering
A practical excursion was organized for students
A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Fergana Polytechnic Institute and the Territorial Union of Consumer Rights Protection Societies of the Fergana Region
In order to strengthen the knowledge gained during the educational process, Oliygoh students are doing an internship at "Uzwoolentex" LLC.
On November 28, at 8:00 p.m., A. Rakhmonov will hold an "Audio interview" with students who want to continue their education abroad on the Telegram
Today, a member of the state academy of Uzbekistan and youth meeting was held at our institute
Under the leadership of the dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, G.R.Mirzakulov, short-term training sessions were held at the Osh University of Technology within the framework of the "Student Exchange" program.
Representatives of "UZAUTO MOTORS" joint-stock company visited Fergana Polytechnic Institute in order to continue mutually beneficial cooperation
International scientific-practical conference on the topic "Scientific-pedagogical heritage of the ancients: history and modernity" has started at the Fergana Polytechnic Institute.
A round discussion was held with the participation of famous poet, writer's union member, doctor of philological sciences, professor Siddiq Momin, students and their parents
A meeting with the heads of production enterprises and organizations was held at the institute
A webinar on the topic "The first step for international and republican grandees" was held in the 1st gallery of our institute
FerPI students now have the opportunity to participate in the Pennsylvania State University World Campus EDGE program
According to the "Memorandum of Cooperation" concluded between the Fergana Polytechnic Institute and the Kazakh-Turkish International University named after Khoja Ahmad Yasavi, professors and teachers of our university visited this university
The delegation led by the rector of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute U.R.Salomov organized a plant tour to the "Fergana Global Textile" enterprise
Based on the "Memorandum of Cooperation" concluded between South Kazakhstan University, more than 10 professors and teachers of the Faculty of Light Industry and Textiles of our institute gave lectures and practical
An open conversation with Entrepreneurs with the participation of students of the institute with the winner of the Medal of Fame, Sadokat Mirzayeva, head of "Art House Sadosh" LLC in Fergana.
A student-youth meeting was held with representatives of "Uz-Tong Heung Co" company
A student-youth meeting was held with O. Bastamkulov, CEO of "Avtooyna" LLC.
Another opportunity for professors, teachers, doctoral students, masters, independent researchers in the information resource center of the institute
Rector of Fergana Polytechnic Institute O.R.Salomov, vice-rectors J.Kambarov, Z.Hamrokulov, faculty deans and a number of other faculty members visited the "UzAuto Motors" enterprise in Andijan region.
Fergana Polytechnic Institute took a place in the Top-1000 of the asian university rankings
Professors and teachers of Albstadt University of the Federal Republic of Germany visited
A seminar was organized for students and young people who want to participate in the republican competition "Mirzo Ulugʻbek vorislari (Mirzo Ulugbek's Heirs)"
Exciting News: Student Exchange Program with PoliTo Now Open!
About the activities of the "Student Service Center" of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute
A seminar was organized for students and young people who want to participate in the republican competition "Mirzo Ulugʻbek vorislari (Mirzo Ulugbek's Heirs)"
"Advanced Engineering Schools in Uzbekistan: Concept and Prospects"
An initial meeting of participants was held within the framework of the project "Development of the targeted educational program for Bachelors in Solar Energy in Uzbekistan".
A seminar training was held in order to convey the essence of the "Uzbekistan - 2030" strategy to students and young people
The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sharipov Kongratbay Avezimbetovich got acquainted with the activities of education-science-production integration launched at the Fergana Polytechnic Institute
A new project on the IT specialty will be implemented in our institute
A meeting was organized with the head of Fergana city "Ibratli Bekam" non-state educational institution, head of Fergana "Roza-Al" private enterprise Shahnoza Ganiyeva with the participation of students of the institute
An interview was held in order to fill the available vacancies in the departments of the institute with young specialists
A new 520-seat dormitory building was commissioned at the Fergana Polytechnic Institute
Moddiy yordam
Assistance for students of the institute in need of financial assistance